Whether you are dealing with the media or making presentations, here are a few key things you should be doing to ensure you are making the most of the opportunity:
Prepare: even seasoned pros make sure they take the time to prepare, these are not the situations to try and ‘wing it’.
AMEN: remember the; Audience, Messages, Examples and Negatives – this is a very useful but simple plan for all your communications.
Simplicity: try to leave out the jargon and complicated detail – you are more likely to be remembered, and have an impact, if you are clear and concise.
Practice: the more you practice, the more confident you will be.
Learn from others: by watching news interviews or listening to other presenters you can pick up useful tips that could be adapted into your own style.
Evaluate and critique: think about what went well or less well each time, how can you tweak and improve for the next one.
Written by Will Edwards – bluewoodtraining.com – November 2016