Q&A With Our Media Training Team | Part 2

We asked our media training team for answers to the most common questions we get. Here’s what they had to say, part 2…

Do You Film People As Part Of The Media Training?

Filming the practical scenarios is very important to properly rehearse for broadcast (TV/Radio) media interviews and presentations but not necessarily essential for other types of training. However, being able to see yourself on screen and critique your performance is a hugely useful learning tool, whatever course you are taking part in. We also provide the recordings after the training so you can watch them again, this helps to further develop your skills.

I’m Not Based In The UK, Can You Help Me and My Team?

Yes we can – we’re happy to travel to deliver media training and have run courses across the world from Hong Kong to New York. But if you’d prefer the convenience of training via video conference (usually Teams or Zoom) we’re happy to deliver sessions that way too. Either way, you get the same expert advice and guidance from our coaches, along with all course materials and feedback.

What Kind Of Media Scenarios Have You Supported Clients In Preparing For?

The courses are designed around the media engagements you’re likely to face – some courses are about proactive interviews, some are reactive, often we’re working with clients on positive interviews but sometimes it’s about negative issues. The practice interviews might be profile pieces with trade press, financial interviews with national newspapers, product launches on TV news or handling tough questions during a crisis in a radio interview.

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How Much Research Does Bluewood Training Do Ahead Of The Training Sessions?

We pride ourselves on the research and preparation we do ahead of the training. We use the information clients and participants provide us with to help design the theory and practical scenarios needed, but we also do a great deal of research into the organisation, industry and target media so the course is as focused and relevant as possible.

Can I Split My Training Sessions Over a Number Of Weeks Or Months?

We often run on-going programmes for people who need to cover different scenarios/events or deliver a range of messages to their audiences. This staggered approach also really helps the learning to imbed and encourages longer term development.

Do You Run Blended Sessions That Cover Media And Presentation?

People communicate to their stakeholders in a number of different ways and our training is designed to ensure we’re preparing people for the types of event they’re going to face. It’s also very possible that journalists will attend your conferences and panels to research stories, so we can make sure that element is covered in your course, even if the focus is presentation or public speaking skills.

Do Your Bluewood Training Courses Prepare Delegates For Global Media?

Yes, the techniques we cover will build skills and confidence for global media. The main things that motivate and drive journalists tend to be the same all over the world, but of course the media in each country can work in a specific way. Many of our media trainers have experience of working for news organisations outside the UK so we bring that knowledge to the courses. 

Media and presentation training

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