Q&A With Our Presentation Training Team

We asked our presentation training team for some answers to the most common questions clients ask us. Here’s what they said…

What Does Presentation Training Cover?

Bluewood’s presentation training will prepare you for the range of speaking engagements that you’re going to do, whether that’s speeches, investor or sales pitches, Q&As, webinars or panel appearances. The bespoke course will cover the essential theory you need to design and prepare your content, as well as teaching soft skills and performance techniques you can start using immediately. But the focus of the training is on filmed practical scenarios and rehearsals – these allow you to test new methods and to receive expert coaching from the trainer.

How Should I Prepare For My Presentation Training Course?

Ahead of your training it’s good to think about some of the areas we’ll work on with you; what do you want to communicate to your audience, what do your audience want or need to hear and how can you ensure your presentation is useful and interesting? We’ll also ask you some questions in advance of the training that will help us to research and design your course.

What Do You Need To Make My Presentation Course As Impactful As Possible?

The best training courses are focussed and relevant – by helping us with the research we’ll ask for, attending the course with an open mind and being keen to learn, the training will be impactful and successful. 

Q&A with presentation training team

How Often Should I Have Presentation Training?

Refreshing your communication skills is very sensible as it will further build your ability, stop bad habits from forming and allow you to learn new techniques. Many of our clients come back to us at key times or ahead of critical events e.g. for annual results, to prepare for a crisis issue or to rehearse delivering new topics/messages.

What Job Roles Or Executives Should Have Presentation Training?

Everyone needs to be able to communicate effectively, whether they face external audiences or speak to other staff. Because we tailor the presentation training it can be adapted to all levels of seniority and any type of audience engagement. We advise considering providing courses for all staff to help them perform at their best.

Do You Provide Course Notes For The Presentation Training Course?

Yes, we provide extensive course notes with each course. As well as the practice, we cover theory and techniques in the training so the Bluewood Guide is very useful to remind you of what we covered and to help you keep learning and developing.

What Types Of Scenarios Does The Presentation Course Cover?

The practical scenarios are bespoke and designed around you – if you’re delivering a speech, pitching to clients, hosting a webinar or presenting to investors, we’ll rehearse what you need. We also usually cover Q&As so you’re prepped and ready for any tough questions that could be asked.

Presentation training

Do You Film People During The Presentation Training?

Filming the practical scenarios is very important to properly rehearse for presentations or pitches and being able to see yourself on screen and critique your performance is a hugely useful learning tool. We also provide the recordings after the training so you can watch them again to further develop your skills.

I’m Not Based In The UK, Can You Help My Team and I?

Yes we can – we’re happy to travel to deliver training and have run courses across the world from Hong Kong to New York. But if you’d prefer the convenience of training via video conference (usually Teams or Zoom) we’re happy to deliver sessions that way too. Either way, you get the same expert advice and guidance from our coaches, along with all course materials and feedback. 

How Much Research Will Bluewood Do Before a Presentation Course?

We pride ourselves on the research and preparation we do ahead of the training. We use the information clients and participants provide us with to help design the theory and practical scenarios needed, but we also do a great deal of research into the organisation, industry and target audience so the course is as focused and realistic as possible. 

We cover a few more questions on our FAQs page, but if you can’t find an answer to your question please get in touch, we’d be delighted to help. 

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